With a potential of 93 GW (BEMIP) in the Baltic Sea, offshore wind energy could be the foundation for a secure, future-oriented, green regional energy system. But as isolated offshore wind and hydrogen projects are slowly developing, a transnational network and perspective to unite local governments, developers, grid experts, researchers, manufacturers and policy-makers is lacking. These stakeholders need access to regional knowledge and to their expert counterparts from other countries to increase understanding and capacity to act transnationally. BOWE2H answers this need with a stakeholder network that hosts six regional expert events, and co-creatively produces a Strategic Roadmap for Regional Offshore Wind and Hydrogen Development. The kick-off -and the final conference will be virtual, and four national events (including co-creative workshops) will be held in the uprising markets for offshore wind in the Baltic Sea, i.e., Poland, Lithuania, Sweden, Germany. The event network will enhance stakeholder capacity to act by providing them with an understanding of the necessary policy, grid, investment and research framework for offshore wind and hydrogen project development, and by connecting them with other stakeholders for further cooperation. The Roadmap, built from a meta study, interviews with expert stakeholders at the national events, results from the co-creative workshops, will contain an infographic summary to be distributed to the project stakeholders and beyond.