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How to contact the CDI

If you have any questions regarding the Cluster Decarbonisation in Industries, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the Coordination Office team.

CDI Coordination Office

Cluster Decarbonisation in Industries
c/o Competence Centre on Climate Change Mitigation in Energy-Intensive Industries (KEI)
Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 33
03046 Cottbus


The CDI coordination office is run by the Competence Centre on Climate Change Mitigation in Energy-Intensive Industries (KEI). In this function, the KEI organises the operational cooperation of the partners and coordinates the network activities. The KEI is a division within Zukunft - Umwelt – Gesellschaft gGmbH on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK).

Das Team der CDI Koordinierungsstelle

Your contacts

Andreas Findeisen
Andreas Findeisen
Head of CDI Coordination Office +49 355 47889-117
Kerstin Drechsler
Kerstin Drechsler
Cluster and Network Management +49 355 47889-168
Claudia Kalinka
Claudia Kalinka
Cluster and Network Management +49 355 47889-166
Katrin Nicke
Katrin Nicke
Network and Community Management +49 355 47889-183
Arne Müller
Arne Müller
Cluster and Network Management +49 355 47889-186
Dr. Ulrike Walter
Dr. Ulrike Walter
International Cluster and Network Management +49 355 47889-187
Madeleine Henning-Waniek
Madeleine Henning-Waniek
Public Relations +49 355 47889-134

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