"Energy efficiency now – fast, smart, resilient!"
This is the motto of the next European Energy Efficiency Conference on 7 - 8 March 2024 in Wels/Austria, as part of the World Sustainable Energy Days - WSED.
No time like now for energy efficiency! Price fluctuations, geopolitical instabilities and the climate crisis make the role of energy efficiency in the energy transformation evident. A strong push for energy efficiency in all sectors is critical in delivering energy security and sustainability.
In 2024, the Energy Efficiency Conference will show how to realise the high policy ambitions of the upcoming EU legislation and how to strengthen energy efficiency demand and markets. Organised by the energy agency of Upper Austria and OÖ Energiesparverband, the WSED are a leading annual conference on the energy transition and climate neutrality with more than 650 participants from over 60 countries each year.