Construction, Future Energy Systems, Transport - Three Chapters, one Event

In the Construction chapter, the participants will focus on technical challenges to decarbonize the sector (e.g., structural efficiency, classic CCS vs other forms of mineralization and curing) and policy incentives (standards, green public procurement, and Carbon Contracts for Difference).
The Future Energy Systems chapter will address how we can produce electricity more flexibly in a session co-organized with IRENA, as well as “How to Store Energy? – Requirements, Solutions and Barriers to Scale Seasonal Storage”, together with the European Innovation Council. Finally, our third session is a policy roundtable focused on potential solutions and market mechanisms to incentivize energy storage and flexible clean energy generation (24/7 clean PPAs, CfDs, etc.).
In the Transport chapter, the technical challenges in the aviation sector to mitigate non-CO2 emissions, as well as how to decarbonize the maritime sector, will be discussed. These sessions will be followed by an interactive policy roundtable to discuss and elevate the solutions for minimizing the environmental impact of these sectors and work towards their decarbonization.
Agenda and Registration
Find detailed information and the Festival´s Timetable here.
To register, please contact Mrs. Leonie Brand (
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